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Our Story

Diaspora people individually have acquired various and varied individual professional and corporate experiences that are potentially beneficial but currently dormant/inactive. These dormant resources presently do not benefit the owners nor the others in the community.

There is therefore a good merit to synergise these inherent experiences as resources. These can be actively and sustainably deployed to benefit others with the attendant positive-impact on community development.

NIDIMCO-OP is then the beginning of the journey.
You are cordially invited to join with others to promote happiness for yourself and others in the implementation of the following CORE VALUES

Founding Members

The founding members of NIDIMCO-OP are Diaspora Nigerians with various and varied individual professional and corporate experiences.
They recognise that one man’s problem is the start of another man’s solutions to his own problems. And what is absent is the necessary and appropriate platform.
This is the basis of this platform. What platform?–An open, honest, and love of neighbours platform that is anchored on fear of God as the beginning of wisdom.
Always hate what is bad and promote whatever is good and working to conquer evil with good.


Integrity & Honesty

Impeccable integrity and honesty in all we do.


Open and transparent communication with our members, employees, partners and collaborating institutions.


Full and open accountability for all our decisions and actions.


Respect for and responsiveness to the needs of members with love the attendant impact on other members and the communities;


Dedicated stewardship in the management of all resources in our care with sensitivity to the environment.


Leadership, innovative vision in providing valuable synergised resources for solutions to problems of members and larger communities


Sincerity, trustworthiness and dependability in our passion for service;

Cost based pricing

Cost based pricing for services that reflect disciplined cost management


Loyalty to the principles of cooperative ownership

Our Vision

Nidimco-op aims to be the co-op that best understands and satisfies the product -service needs of members globally in order to achieve self-actualisation sustainably to enhance community progress and development.

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Let Us Work Together.

We make a difference. Together.